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Physical Education

Physical Education is far more than just developing physical skills; it is the development of the individual as a whole, allowing the child to make progress across a number of areas of development.

Our PE curriculum: 

  • Motivates and inspires
  • Helps to build confidence and self-esteem
  • Develops successful learners who enjoy making progress
  • Helps to build concentration
  • Encourages communication with others
  • Teaches children how to win and to lose
  • Supports positive behaviour
  • Engages children in physical activities during the day and build on this in other areas outside the school day – after-school clubs, evening & weekend activities.

Within the teaching of PE, we aim for children to:

  • Develop competence in a broad range of areas
  • Be physically active for sustained periods
  • Engage in competitive sports and activities
  • Lead healthy and active lives
  • Demonstrate consistently positive attitudes, values and behaviour


Our PE curriculum balances the required subject areas across a 2-year cycle and is taught by a range of specialist coaches and class teachers. This includes Games, Gymnastics, Outdoor Adventurous Activities, Net games, Athletics, Cricket, Dance and Swimming, the order of which can be found in the Subject overview. Swimming is taught in blocks every Summer term from Year 3 through to Year 6.

PE is assessed against the PE Skills Progression grids and this feeds into future teaching. Assessment data is passed on between classes, so the next teacher can begin to develop skills the child has already achieved.