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At Inkpen Primary School, we offer a rich and relevant mathematics curriculum that aims to teach children the mathematical skills they require for success in everyday life and develop their confidence and ability to apply these skills in practical situations.

Maths is taught through a daily numeracy lesson where number and calculations make up much of the main focus of the learning. We know that children need to develop quick recall of number facts, including multiplication tables, to enable them to solve progressively complex problems with confidence. For this reason, there is also an emphasis on the development of mental arithmetic, through varied and repeated practice, and giving opportunities for children to use and apply maths in real life situations. More information on teaching this declarative knowledge can be found below. 


Maths in EYFS

In the Foundation Stage, children follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum for number and numerical patterns. Learning for these areas is carefully planned using the White Rose scheme of work and is delivered in an engaging way through a range of different experiences both inside and outdoors. We provide the children with frequent and varied opportunities to build a strong understanding of numbers up to 10 using a range of manipulatives and provide rich experiences for children to develop their spatial reasoning. 


Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract

We follow the CPA (concrete, pictorial, abstract) approach at Inkpen Primary School, giving children of all ages and abilities the opportunity to use a range of manipulatives and representations to support and develop their understanding of different mathematical concepts. Practical activities are an important part of the development of mathematical skills and continue to be used throughout the school. Opportunities to develop and apply key skills in other curriculum areas, especially science, are sought out.

White Rose Maths 

At Inkpen, we follow the White Rose scheme of work and progress through their "small steps" at a rate that is appropriate to all of our learners. We are aware that children make different amounts of progress at different points in their school life, so our teachers use their professional judgement to supplement the teaching and resources from this scheme in order to meet the needs of our children whilst still showing fidelity to the programme. Overviews for each year group can be found at the bottom of this page. 

Times Tables 

At Inkpen Primary School, our intent is to provide a comprehensive and effective Times Tables program that enables every child to develop a deep and secure understanding of multiplication and division facts. Through our outstanding implementation and rigorous approach, we aim to foster a love for mathematics and equip our pupils with the essential knowledge, skills, and confidence to apply times tables in real-life contexts. Our ultimate goal is to ensure that all our pupils make significant and sustained progress in their times tables fluency, leading to improved mathematical proficiency across the curriculum. More information can be found below. 

Declarative Knowledge 

We understand the importance of declarative knowledge, which is defined as the recall of facts (e.g. number bonds, doubles and halves) and mathematical rules (e.g. inverse operations and angle facts). At Inkpen, we teach this knowledge in a carefully sequenced and structured way, enabling children to build upon prior knowledge and deepen their understanding over time. This secure foundation supports pupils in becoming flexible, fluent and confident mathematicians in an ever-changing world. 

Working with the Mobius Maths Hub 

We are committed to continually improving the teaching and learning of mathematics. Through our partnership with the Mobius Maths Hub, we access high-quality professional development that enhances our subject knowledge and pedagogical understanding. This collaboration allows us to engage in ongoing professional development for our staff, ensuring that our teachers are equipped with the latest evidence-based strategies and insights. Investing in high-quality CPD enables us to create a vibrant, effective learning environment and raise standards across the school.