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It is recognised that sometimes children have particular needs that require additional support in school. Such needs will always be discussed with parents and the school will seek to ensure there is appropriate support give to children to meet the identified need.

Parents are encouraged to raise any concerns about a child’s educational or social need with the class teacher at any point in the year.

Sometimes the needs of an individual require additional advice or support from the Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator (SENCO) in school, and sometimes external agencies may be invited into school to give further professional advice & support.

In most cases, the school will seek to provide suitable teaching and learning opportunities within the normal class context, and some children may benefit from additional support small group or individual support.

Occasionally the needs of a child are significant enough for the school to seek additional support and sometimes funding, to help meet the needs of a child.

In all cases, parents are fully involved in the discussions, advice and support. Full details are in the Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Policy, and this will be discussed with parents as necessary.

If you would like to discuss your child's progress or address any concerns please do contact the school. The school's Senco Mr Scott Higgins can be contacted on 01488 668219 or email

Further information regarding the West Berkshire Local offer can be found via the link below.

Inkpen Primary School/West Berkshire Directory

Able Gifted & Talented

It is also recognised that some children are more able and sometimes have specific skills, talents and abilities. Wherever appropriate these needs will also be met through school or advice will be given as to where additional support or opportunities might be found.

These have included additional lessons in Maths & Literacy both within school and at our local secondary school. We also undertake some enrichment activities such as visits to listen to local authors and Maths challenge tournaments.


"The shadow of failure is never cast over us"

Red Kite Class


West Berkshire Local Offer
This site gives information for parents, carers and young people looking for opportunities for a young person with SEND.


This document was presented to the Governing Board by the SENCo in October 2022. It explains how the school is meeting its responsibilities for pupils with SEND.

SEND Local Offer Newsletter 

This can be found via

This document gives information about activities for children and young people with SEND.

All children with SEND in school are regarded as individuals and treated as special and unique. We recognise the needs of children vary as they move through the school and we seek to meet their needs in the best way we can.


This document gives information on the intent for SEND at Inkpen Primary School.