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Inkspots is a unique preschool with a very homely feel; we cater for children aged 2-5 using EYFS through play to enable them to prepare for reception.

The children benefit from a fluid routine with time for structured activities and child led play. 

Each child who attends Inkspots is seen as an individual with their own strengths and abilities; we aim to provide an ideal learning environment for each of them to flourish. We’re committed to being a safe and enabling setting in which they can grow and develop lasting relationships.

Children joining Inkspots have the benefits of tasting school life before starting in Reception, whilst following the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum.

The Ofsted inspection in January 2024 rated Inkspots as “Good” in all areas, for further detail see report below. 

At Inkspots Early Years we aim to provide all children, irrespective of abilities, with the
best possible education. We aim for each child to achieve his or her potential and to develop
intellectually, physically, socially, creatively and emotionally.
Inkspots is open Monday to Thursday in term time.  If you would like to discuss your child attending Inkspots Nursery please contact us on 01488 668219 or by email


We look forward to hearing from you.

"Relationships between staff and children are positive. Children demonstrate a good attitude to their learning and are curious and excited about what they do. Children understand that they might not get things correct all the time, but show confidence in trying. They behave very well at all times. Children are respectful to each other and the staff who care for them." OFSTED 2024