Inkpen Primary School’s governors are currently drawn from different areas: staff; parents; the local community and the local authority governors. The governing body can also co-opt additional help from individuals with particular expertise. School governors have legal duties, powers and responsibilities. They must act together; they cannot act individually. The role of governor is an exciting and challenging one that offers a unique opportunity to understand more about how the school works and to help shape its future direction. Inkpen Primary School has an active and committed governing body with a shared desire to work in partnership with the school leadership team and staff to further improve the school.
The governing body is accountable for the strategic direction of the school and for the quality of education that it provides.
At Inkpen Primary School governors fulfil this role by:
- Attending governing body meetings
- Taking individual roles and responsibilities these are currently – Chair; Vice Chair; SEND; Health & Safety; Safeguarding; PPG
- Supporting the school and representing the governing body at school events;
- Keeping up to date with developments in the education sector and attending training and events provided by West Berkshire Council.
Being a parent governor can be an enjoyable, worthwhile and challenging way to help the school. It is also a great opportunity to get to know the school community better and work with a great team of people.
Governors commit to the role for four years and when a vacancy comes up for a parent governor all parents are notified through the school newsletter. All parents are encouraged to consider becoming a governor and if more than one person puts their name forward then an election of all parents takes place.
Anyone over the age of 18 with an interest in education can be a governor. This is a voluntary role. The full governing body meet once a month during term time. They also visit the school once a term to do a learning walk. If needed, governors will also visit the school when carrying out their duties depending on their roles and responsibilities.
Our current Governors are:-
- Emma Wordsworth is our Chair of Governors, on the Finance Committee and Pupil Premium Governor.
- Frances Buck as Head Teacher is a member of all committees.
- Martin Chester is a Co-Opted Governor on the Finance Committee and Safeguarding Governor.
- Judith Charles is a Co-Opted Governor on the Finance Committee and Wellbeing Governor.
- Mat Salisbury is a parent Governor and SEND Governor.
- Susan Sim is a Local Authority Governor on the Finance committee and our Health and Safety Governor.
- Mark Harrison is also a parent Governor and is our Equalities Governor.
- Scott Higgins is a Staff Governor.
Clerk to the Governors is Ruth Lambert.
The governors are always happy to hear from and talk to parents. The Headteacher is responsible for the day to day running of the school, so initially most queries and specific issues should be addressed to Miss Buck. The governors have a specific responsibility for reviewing complaints and exclusions so it is sometimes important that they don't get involved in the first instance.
For example, if you have concerns about a specific behaviour incident at school, then you should discuss it first with the headteacher. If that failed to resolve the issue, or you were concerned about the general approach to behaviour management, then that would need to be discussed by the governors and you should contact them.
In most cases, the way they want the school to operate is set out in the various policies which are reviewed on an annual or bi-annual basis. The current policies are always available in the school office and on the website.
If you don't think a policy is being followed, or it is unclear, or simply that it isn't, then that should be brought to our attention.
If in doubt, please feel free to contact either the Governors or Miss Buck, and if necessary we will point you in the appropriate direction.
The Governors and Staff are all committed to making Inkpen School the best possible learning and development environment for the children, and are always happy to answer any additional questions you may have.
Contact the Governors by emailing:
- FGB TOR including Finance Premises Curriculum 2021
- Inkpen School Annual Governance Statement 2023-24
- Governors Annual Letter 2024
- Governor Meetings and Dates 2024-25
- Governors in Office and Attendance 2024-2025
- Non-Vat-Registration-Statement-2021
- FGB Minutes November 2021
- FGB Minutes December 2021
- FGB Minutes January 2022
- FGB Minutes March 2022
- FGB Minutes April 2022
- FGB-MINUTES-June-2021
- FGB-MINUTES-July-2021
- FGB-MINUTES-Sept-2021
- FGB-MINUTES-May-2021
- FGB Minutes October 2022
- FGB-Minutes November 2022
- FGB Minutes January 2023
- FGB Minutes March 2023
- FGB Minutes April 2023
- FGB Minutes June 2023
- FGB Minutes July 2023
- FGB Minutes September 2023
- FGB Minutes October 2023
- FGB Minutes November 2023
- FGB Minutes December 2023
- FGB Minutes March 2024
- FGB Minutes April 2024
- FGB Minutes May 2024
- FGB Minutes June 2024
- FGB Minutes July 2024
- FGB Minutes September 2024
Minutes from meetings will be on the website once they are approved.