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Years 1 & 2 (Crocus Class) KS1

Key Stage 1 children at Inkpen School are encouraged to be as independent as possible. They enjoy challenges and work eagerly and co-operatively to do their best.

To teach children Phonics, the school follows the DfE approved scheme Monster Phonics and this is taught daily in Reception, Year 1 & Year 2.

Our Reading scheme, also Monster Phonics, supports this daily teaching by allowing the children to apply the sounds and words they have learnt in lessons. We hear the children read at least one (often more) throughout the week and encourage them to read at home at least three times a week. 

PE is taught twice a week (at least once a week by a qualified sports coach) developing not only their physical skills but also spatial-awareness, listening and team-building skills.

The children visit our Forest School site every week when they learn a wide range of skills in our local woodland led by trained Forest-School staff members.

Children in Crocus class learn Maths through the White Rose scheme, which allows them to develop their fluency in a range of skills as well as tackle a range of reasoning and problem-solving. We also regularly recap a range of number facts such as number bonds to 10, 20 and 100.